We believe that
time spent together changes everything

Welcome to Disneyland, the enchanting backdrop for Venture, where we aim to Activate Magical Moments! This week is dedicated to exploring how we can transform ordinary interactions into extraordinary experiences, embodying the true essence of magic that resides in everyday moments.

As a learning design strategy and implementation firm, we acknowledge that not all magic comes from words or tricks; often, it’s woven into the fabric of our daily interactions and insights. Here, surrounded by the wonder of Disney, we invite you to embark on an immersive journey of Venture where we not only appreciate these magical moments as learners, but also learn how to activate them as designers.

Each session is crafted to equip us with the tools and resources to create magical moments as we move forward to our next evolution of Studio 5. Let’s show up with curious and open minds and be ready to absorb as much as possible. Together, we’ll return to our home offices inspired to discover and activate even more magical moments beyond this week.

How we activate magical moments


Learning should feel like an exploration—sometimes playful, sometimes messy, but always with intention and purpose. It’s about immersing ourselves in experiences and embracing a mindset of curiosity to seek out new information and ideas that push the boundaries of our existing knowledge and broaden our horizons.


The limited opportunities we have to gather as a team in person throughout the year underscore the importance of maximizing these moments to strengthen our bond as an agency. This week, find opportunities to engage or re-engage with your teammates and nurture those essential connections that contribute to our collective success.


It's all about stretching our limits, shifting perspectives, and reflecting on what fires us up. We're leaning into the unknown, ready to soak up new knowledge or reinforce previous discussions. We’re gathering the resources we need for when we head back to our home offices, taking this momentum with us and fueling our work with the energy and innovation we've brought back from this week.